This Could Be YOU.
The Zeus Cruise
Call to book
Commercial Halibut Fishing
Big Game Transport
Bear/Wildlife Viewing
Solitude at our Riverfront Cabin
Glacier Excursion
Native Alaskan Historical Sites
Baranof Hot Springs
Whale Watching
Cargo Transport
Where do YOU want to go, and what do YOU want to do?
Videographer Robyn Cardenas
What Do You Seek?
The Zeus is a 44-foot commercial fishing vessel designed and built specifically for that purpose. I bought the boat in 2005, and it has served us well fishing halibut, salmon, and crab. There are two single bunks forward and a marine head (restroom) with a shower. I have heated "Crewz Quarters" on the stern with six bunks. It's not fancy but has been a very comfortable, productive workboat, and we've had many adventures over the years.
The Zeus Cruise offers a wide range of options. An example would be; a combination of commercial fishing, a glacier tour, a Farragut cabin excursion, & a whale-watching expedition. There are many other things to do, and a combination trip such as this is easily accomplished.
I’ve been blessed to live in this wild, raw land, and I’d like to share it with you.
If you're interested in experiencing rural Alaska as we do, please call or email me to design your adventure. Please call well in advance to book.
- Rob Schwartz -
Come See Alaska With SEEK ALASKA TOURS.
Take Your "Pick"